All Headlines Rob Chrisman
Rob Chrisman's Daily Commentary
For the past 10 years Mortgage News Daily has provided our readers with Rob Chrisman's daily commentary.
NEW Texas and Reverse Mortgages; More on Possible Ginnie Changes; Upcoming Training
NEW Ginnie I, II, or...III: Combining the Programs and the Advantages to Originators; Credit Unions Weigh in on QM
NEW Time to Buy Fannie/Freddie Stocks Yet? Mortgage Litigation Tally, Another LPS Settlement
NEW Is The Housing Rally For Real? Panic Locks; a Primer on Texas Cash Out Refis
NEW Reminder on Artificially Low Rates; Lack of Motivation to Lend to Certain Credit Score Borrowers
NEW More on FHA MI & HPML Concerns; CFPB Update on June 1 Change Date; Bank M&A's Continue
NEW CA Eminent Domain Update; More on Venture Capital's Impact on Housing; More State news; Fannie's Profit
NEW Evolution of Correspondent Lending; What Happens if QE3 Ends? Interesting Discrimination Action
NEW Lots of State-Level Licensing Changes; Zillow & Nationstar Stock Prices
NEW FHFA Confines Buying to QM Loans; Nix The Use of Personal E-Mail Addresses; More Lawsuits
NEW 100% LTV Credit Union Programs, but Some Common Ground With Banks; Borrower Surveys
NEW Flagstar - MBIA Settlement; Redwood Trust Earnings; a Primer on Economic News Categories
NEW Earnings Indicating Industry Trends; Focus on The Senate Regarding FHFA
NEW CFPB on Small Lenders and the Cost of Compliance; Does Hedging Mean Free Lock Renegotiations?
NEW Organization's Roles in LO Comp Developments - Give us Clarity!; Change to FL's Foreclosure Process?
NEW HUD addresses LO/Realtor Combos; CFPB and FDIC can go after Employees and Consultants
NEW Pricing on Redwood's Latest Deal; a Gaggle of Vendor, Investor, Agency, and Seminar Updates
NEW HARP Marketing; BOK Expansion; Zillow Website to Check Out Your Neighbors; National MI on The Move
NEW Trends in Cash Out/Post-Purchase Financing; Affiliated Relationships
NEW CFPB's Final Rule Changes; Navy Fed's 100% Program; Reg. Z's Appendix Q; Home Ownership Trends
NEW CA's Bill of Rights; The Confusing World of FHA & Section 35 loans, QM, HOEPA Violations, APOR, and Freddie's Rate Survey
NEW Ginnie MBS Issuance; Information on Community Banks and the Tax-free Status of Credit Unions; Upcoming Gfee Increases
NEW Wells Fargo, Realtors and Lou Holtz; Foreclosure Review Issues; Bank Earnings Reflect Entire Industry Trends
NEW Eminent Domain Back in the News; HUD Secretary to Testify; Gold and Mortgages
NEW Transactions Covered by the CFPB; FHA and VA Pricing Jump Explained; More on Assumability of Loan Types
NEW What Wells and Chase Results Indicate to Mortgage Bankers; Fined for Renegotiating a Rate Lock?
NEW Some Astute Concerns About Disparate Pricing, Assumable Loans, and the CFPB Complaint Database
NEW Amazing Detroit Mortgage Stats; More on Lock Renegotiations; Videos for Bank officers and Directors; Who is Deephaven Mortgage?
NEW More Thoughts on Renegotiations and LO Comp; Capping Gfees? Don't Hold your Breath
NEW Recent Bank Mergers; Ugly News for Access National and Golden First; Thoughts on New Appraisers
NEW LOs Should Know Rate Locks Work Both Ways; Chatter About Forced Place Insurance; What is OMWI?
NEW DE Underwriter Change? MI Company fines and their Responses; How Much can the CFPB Penalize and what does it do with the Money?
NEW MBA Q4 Profit Numbers Study; Government Plan for those with Weak Credit; MERS is Alive and Well
NEW The State of Applications and Pipelines; Goldman's New Investment Company
NEW Chase Mortgage Cutbacks; FHA MIP Clarification; Modified Loan Performance; Thoughts on the Future of Securitization
NEW Thoughts on Keeping the 30-yr Mortgage; Tax Implications of Cancelled Mortgage Debt
NEW Wells Trims Use of Outside Legal Counsel; USDA Update; Various State Originator Websites and Possible Law Changes; HARP Shortcomings
NEW What's up with Blackstone and the Overall Supply and Demand Picture? HUD App for Complaints
NEW Volume Rankings and Market Share Changing, Helping Smaller Lenders; Servicing Sales a Hot Topic
NEW Who Needs HARP 3 with Rampant Loan Mods? Fannie, Freddie Stocks Rally - Much Ado About Nothing?
NEW LO Compensation Based on Product Type? Warehouse Banks to Approve Comp Plans? More Views on Gfee Changes
NEW Establishing a New Fannie Mae in Texas? How Gfees are a Tax on Borrowers; Thoughts on Cutting Weak Producers
NEW Improving Credit Markets Force Titanium Shut Down; What is Moving the Relative Prices of Ginnie, Fannie, and Freddie MBS?
NEW Blackstone Buying $100M Single Family Homes per Week; LO Comp Plan Impact Default Rates? MBA Compliance Classes and QRM Update
NEW RESPA and Dodd-Frank Conflict on Incentives; To Appraise or Not to Appraise, that is the Question
NEW Ginnie Issuance Numbers; Continued MI News; Investor and Seminar News
NEW Sequester Puts Native American Loan Program on Hold; Uniform State Test Info; Interesting Prepayment Info and How it Impacts Pricing
NEW Credit Unions Have Good Year; Refresher on Types of Loans Under Qualified Mortgage Concept
NEW Sticking to the Plan with FHFA Strategies and Securitization Platform; Unbridled Financial Institution Mergers and Acquisitions; REIT Chatter
NEW Reverse Mortgage Lending Dips; PHH's Private Label Subservicing; More on Hiring Millennials