All Headlines Rob Chrisman
Rob Chrisman's Daily Commentary
For the past 10 years Mortgage News Daily has provided our readers with Rob Chrisman's daily commentary.
NEW Vendor Updates; SAFE Act Changes on The Way?
NEW GSE Status; Comments on CFPB's Recent Study; Fraud Investigator Accused of Fraud
NEW Mortgage Bank Acquisitions; Iowa's Cool TRID Grid; USDA Rural Housing Updates
NEW What Compliance Officers Want Builders/Realtors to Know about TRID; CFPB Updates
NEW Outsourcing QC; Fannie/Freddie News; Preventing Fraud; MI Earnings
NEW Rents Up, Vacancies Down - Music to Lender's Ears - How Much for a Place in San Francisco?
NEW CFPB, NY, and Maryland Target Title Companies - More Regulators on the Way?
NEW Homeownership Stats; CFPB Penalties; Rant on Millennials, Why They Aren't Buying
NEW Higher Rents - Lender's Friend or Foe?; Upcoming Events; State-Level News
NEW Blackstone Rumored to Buy More Lenders; DOJ Sues Quicken; General Industry Trends
NEW TRID Training and Average Cost Per Loan; Credit Unions on the Move
NEW What do Realtors Want From Lenders, Millennials From Their Banks? Q1 Solid Lending Numbers
NEW CMLA Speaks Out; Few Tears or Fears Over PMIERs
NEW Upcoming Events; Quicken vs. The U.S. Government; Agency Fee Changes - Much Ado About Nothing?
NEW Agency Updates - Does Fannie Really Need to Approve Lender Management Changes?
NEW First Tennessee Settles; Bank Earnings Reflect Lending Biz; More Mergers
NEW Rural Area Comment Period Ends; What the CFPB's Supervisory Highlights Tell Lenders
NEW Who does the CFPB Examine & Why? How Much is a Lender Averaging $9M a Month Worth?
NEW Millennials: Wedding vs House - Parents Ride to the Financial Rescue
NEW Affordable Housing Lawsuit; Down Payment Assistance Program Primer
NEW Upcoming Events and TRID Training - Will Servicers be Ready?
NEW Sub-Servicer Review and The State of Selling Servicing
NEW HUD, VA, FHA, and Government Lender Updates
NEW Merger Mania; Summary of the Trends Impacting Lenders and Realtors
NEW Lender Updates; Mortgage Bank Profits; Apps Confirming Homebuying Season?
NEW BofA & Super Liens; Non-Bank Servicer Standards; MBA Tech Conference; Events & Training
NEW Update from MBA Tech Conference; What Percentage of Lenders is Testing TRID?
NEW Primer on Servicing's CPR Calculation; MBA Speaks Out
NEW More Agency Updates; Why Bank M&A is Expected to Continue in 2015
NEW Agency Changes; Self-Employed Borrowers; Wells Layoffs; Training and Events
NEW Ocwen's Slide Update; Investor and Agency Updates Including Freddie's 97% Program
NEW Servicing/Processing Cost Per Loan Continues to Increase With Little End in Sight
NEW CFPB and Government Updates; March Madness or Lock Lunacy? April, May Should be Solid!
NEW Lender Updates; TRID Progress Survey; So You Want to Staff a Correspondent Division?
NEW Tracking TRID Training; Ocwen Sells More Assets; HUD's New Handbook; Why Mortgages Moved Yesterday
NEW Changes in Fannie/Freddie Pricing and Programs; How Much Does 3.75 mln sq. ft. of Office Cost?
NEW New Products, Lender and Investor Updates
NEW Organizations Speak Out on Current Issues; State-Level News from NY, TX, WI, and MT
NEW Trends and Statistics Regarding Millennial Potential Housing Market Impact
NEW Upcoming Training and Events; Merger/Acquisitions Update; MBA Weighs in on Lawsuit
NEW Lots of Vendor Updates; Rates Heading Back to Last Week's Levels
NEW Court Ruling on LO Overtime; Mortgage Insurance Comparison; FHA/VA Lender Changes
NEW Deferred Debt Payment Calculation; Collateral Underwriter; Oil Impacting Commercial Real Estate
NEW Jumbo News in Primary, Secondary and The Securitization Markets
NEW Basel III Update; Training and Events; M&A Continues; Lending Standards and Credit Risk in 2015
NEW ALTA Offers Advice to CFPB and Points out Major Problem with Disclosure Forms
NEW LO Comp Plan Survey; Recent Secondary Market Developments, Including Non-Performing Loan Sales
NEW Private MI Updates; Trends in Fast Growing Rental Markets and Gentrification
NEW Note on VA Loans in Super Lien States; More on Oil's Impact on the Economy
NEW Mergers, Acquisitions, and Production Shifts; Upcoming Events and Training