MBS & Treasury Prices
MBS and Treasury prices are updated manually with end of day prices. We would love to have kept data more timely, as it was previously, but restrictions from data providers make that impossible at this time. As always, for those who need something more timely, paid, real-time data is available on MBS Live.
We are currently working through some non-technical issues with our data provider, which has led to the unavailability of MBS and Treasury prices. Unfortunately, we do not have an estimated time for when the situation will be resolved.
Delayed data. For live data start an MBS Live free trial.
Matt Graham
UMBS 30YR 5.5 99-23 -0-10
UMBS 30YR 6.0 101-04 -0-10
UMBS 15YR 5.5 100-28 -0-10
Ginnie Mae 30YR 5.5 100-01 -0-10
Ginnie Mae 30YR 6.0 100-30 -0-07
Delayed Pricing
12/1/24 11:59PM EST
2 YR 4.190 +0.083
5 YR 4.096 +0.068
7 YR 4.152 +0.057
10 YR 4.213 +0.043
30 YR 4.391 +0.032
Delayed Pricing
12/1/24 11:59PM EST
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This intraday rate trend tracker is intended to provide an idea of the general direction in MBS that may influence mortgage rates today.
MBS Commentary
5 Hours, 28 Min ago
It can be a bit tricky to understand the roll of various forms of positioning when it comes to otherwise inexplicable movement in the bond market.  It's also a fairly vague term that can refer to several different things. These include month-end trading, new-month trading, position squaring and short covering, to name the usual suspects... (continue reading)
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Mortgage Rate Watch
Wed, Nov 27 2024, 2:53 PM
The interest rate market continues the healing process after taking heavy damage in October.  During the course of that month, the average top tier conventional 30yr fixed rate increased more than 0.75% and broke above 7.0% for the first time since early July.  The first few days of November saw some additional volatility with our rate index hitti... (continue reading)
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Additional Data
Click any of the individual items below for more data and charts.
LIBOR Today Yesterday Change
1 Month 5.10571 5.10443 +0.00128
3 Month 5.33914 5.33686 +0.00228
6 Month 5.38986 5.35286 +0.03700
1 Year 5.29800 5.19971 +0.09829
5/9/23 6:55AM EST
Mortgage Rates Rate Points Change
30 Yr. Fixed 6.91% 0.00 +0.03%
15 Yr. Fixed 6.12% 0.00 +0.03%
30 Yr. Jumbo 7.05% 0.00 +0.00%
7/6 SOFR ARM 6.82% 0.00 +0.00%
30 Yr. FHA 6.22% 0.00 +0.00%
30 Yr. VA 6.23% 0.00 -0.01%