All Headlines Fannie Mae
Fannie Mae News
NEW Sales, Automation, VA Cash Out Products; Inflation and Rates; Freddie and Fannie Updates
NEW Fannie/Freddie Report Lower Quarterly Revenues, Profits
NEW MLO, AE Jobs; Sales, Retention, Recruiting Tools; Processing Changes; Fannie and Freddie Appraisal Tweak
NEW Fannie/Freddie Will Develop New Plans for Equitable Financing
NEW Ops, MLO jobs; Whole Loan Sales, Jumbo, QC, Home Buying Education Products; Freddie and Fannie Changes
NEW Fannie Mae Says COVID-19 Surge Won't Impact Growth. Probably.
NEW Fannie's New Rental History Credit Boost Not as Simple as it Sounds
NEW Fannie Mae to Add Rent Payments to Credit Evaluations
NEW Corresp., AE, MLO Jobs; Diversity, VA, Pricing, Servicing Products; Freddie's Renovation Product and Fannie Updates
NEW AE, Sales, MLO, Ops Jobs; Whole Loan Trading, CRM, Renovation Products; Freddie and Fannie Changes
NEW FannIe Mae Forecasts Home Price Growth, Existing Sales
NEW Corresp., MLO Jobs; Jumbo, Non-QM, VOE, Warehouse Products; Freddie and Fannie Changes; More Inflation Numbers
NEW Inflation Holds Key to Fannie Mae's New Forecast
NEW MLO Jobs; Secondary Marketing, SaaS, Purchase Tools; Fannie Addresses NOO and 2nd Home Policy
NEW MLO, AE Jobs; Servicing, Sales, TPO, VOI Products; Fannie and Agency Shifts Continue: 3 Instead of 7 Percent NOO Cap?
NEW Fannie/Freddie Provide Details on New Refi Options
NEW Fannie and Freddie Told to Write Their Wills
NEW Fannie/Freddie Income and Net Worth Increased in Q1
NEW Corresp., AE, LO Jobs; Digital, Warehouse, Processing, Pricing Products; Freddie and Fannie News
NEW Fannie/Freddie Creates Opportunity for Higher Risk Borrowers Who Missed Refi Boom
NEW Brighter Outlook For Housing and Economy - Fannie Mae
NEW Fannie/Freddie Announce End Dates for QM Rules
NEW Fannie Forecast: Home Sales Will Weather the Rising Rate Environment
NEW Fulfillment, MLO, Product Dev. Jobs; Mail, CRM, Presentation, Digital Products; Freddie and Fannie Shifts
NEW Fannie Warns Lenders on Investment Properties and 2nd Homes
NEW Secondary, MLO, Ops Jobs; Compliance, Broker, Correspondent Products; Events This Week; Fannie Constricts Footprint
NEW UI Urges Abandoning New Fannie/Freddie Amendments
NEW Fannie/Freddie COVID Programs Extended to Match FHA, VA Deadlines
NEW Revisions to Fannie's Automated System May Lead to Easier Approval
NEW Upbeat 2021 Econ Forecast From Fannie Mae
NEW MLO Jobs; Broker, Recruiting, HELOC Products; Freddie and Fannie Compliance Reminders
NEW Fannie/Freddie Allowed to Keep More Capital (Again)
NEW Retail, Ops Jobs; Appraisal, Non-QM, Jumbo, DPA Products; Industry Weighs in on Good Freddie/Fannie News
NEW FHFA Looking to Lock-In Fannie/Freddie Liquidity Rules
NEW MLO, Ops Jobs; Doc, Sales, Broker Tools; Disaster Updates; Investors React to Freddie and Fannie Changes
NEW Ops Manager, AE, MLO Jobs; Appraisal, Sales, Relationship Products; Debating Freddie and Fannie's Future
NEW Fannie/Freddie Adopt Not-so-New Credit Score Model
NEW Fannie/Freddie Report Increased Profits
NEW Fannie Asks Mortgage Execs How to Improve Condo Lending
NEW Calabria to Seek Input on Future Fannie/Freddie Policies
NEW Ending Fannie/Freddie Conservatorship Still a Top Priority for FHFA
NEW Fannie's Forecast Sees a Brightening Recovery
NEW Fannie/Freddie Extend Foreclosure Relief to Year's End
NEW Fannie and Freddie Remain Profitable Despite Mortgage Delinquencies
NEW Fannie/Freddie Borrowers Continue to Exit Forbearance
NEW Regulator Seeks Authority to Charter Fannie/Freddie Competitors
NEW Marketing, Bank Statement, Servicing Products; Webinars and Events; Freddie and Fannie in the News
NEW Ops Jobs; Marketing, AMC, Forbearance Products; Freddie and Fannie News
NEW Broker, eSign, Marketing Products; USDA, FHA, Freddie, Fannie News and Trends
NEW FHFA Pushes Forward With Fannie/Freddie Conservatorship Exit