All Headlines Rob Chrisman
Rob Chrisman's Daily Commentary
For the past 10 years Mortgage News Daily has provided our readers with Rob Chrisman's daily commentary.
NEW Lenders Prepare for Lower Loan Limits; FHLBs Launch Salvo Against BofA; Several Investor Bulletins
NEW The Budget Issue & Mortgage Banking; GSE Housing Predictions; Kroll Bond Ratings; LPS Earnings
NEW Loan Limit Update; SAFE Act Testing Guidelines; MARS Rule; More Loan Servicing for Sale
NEW MetLife Selling Bank Unit, Not Home Loan Biz; Sham Joint Ventures; FHA Recertification Requirements; Wanna Buy Some Servicing Rights?
NEW Treasury Explores Plan to Assist Non-Agency Borrowers; Flood Insurance Extension; Mini-Correspondent Programs
NEW Post Office Offloads Real Estate; BoA vs. Wells Earnings; Credit Score Disclosure
NEW Loss Mitigation vs. Borrower Assistance; Z-Spreads and ARM Pricing; Bank Earnings; Lots of Lender Specific News
NEW Loan Limit Extension Legislation Introduced; CFPB Leadership Nomination; Citi Earnings; Industry Job Offers
NEW America's Attitude on Housing; Ginnie Mae Prices vs. Fannie Mae Prices; Prepayment Speeds; Anecdotal Feedback
NEW Chase Mortgage Banking Results; FHLBs vs. Bank of America; Ginnie Mae Pool Eligibility; HUD Kickback Settlement
NEW Lawmakers Push High-LTV Refinance Program with No LLPAs; Debt Ceiling Chatter; New Acting FHA Commish
NEW Negotiated Underwriting Guidelines; Largest REIT Getting Larger; Fannie Freddie Merger; Cash-Out Timeline; LQI Update
NEW Bank Directors Approving Loans; Fixing Consumer Credit; Debt Ceiling Debate; Poor Jobs Data
NEW Pipeline Hedging: Best Practices in Secondary Marketing
NEW Revisiting Mortgage Booms and Busts Offers Perspective
NEW Continuing-Ed: The Value of Loan Servicing
NEW Must Read SAFE Act Implementation Update
NEW Share Input on New GFE/TIL; Fannie Mae Economics; HVCC; Covered Bonds; NMLS Renewal Tips
NEW Compliance Officers Face New Era of Home Lending Risks
NEW Common Sense Strategies for Mortgage Operations Meetings
NEW MortCap on Hedge Capacity Utilization & QRM
NEW The Evolution of Internet-Based Mortgage Lending
NEW Confessions of a Mortgage Banker: Communicating the Truth
NEW Reverse Mortgage Exit Motivations; Assessing Counterparty Risk; TILA & HOEPA Fee Based Triggers; HUD Training
NEW Industry Opinions: Financial Education, Underwriting Regs, TBTF, Mortgage Insurance
NEW Wells Fargo Exits Reverse Mortgage Business; Harmony Loan Product; LPS Sees Fewer Defaults; Radian Loosens Regs
NEW Feedback on VA Interest Rate Reduction Loans; HUD Career Opportunities; Fewer Free Checking Accounts
NEW Financial Literacy and "Rational Ignorance"; More Leadership Shuffling; Ginnie Mae HMBS; Prepay Perspective
NEW Common Reasons for Declined Loans; Using the NMLS Logo; Broker Marketshare Feedback; Loan Limits
NEW Brokers' Market Share Falls to New All-Time Low in 1st Quarter; Call Report Deadline; Feedback from the Trenches; Investor Bulletins
NEW NAHB Construction Outlook Downgraded; Feedback on REITs; Loan Modification Stats; Foreclosure Scrutiny Delays Ally IPO
NEW Fannie Prepay Speeds vs. Freddie Prepay Speeds; Aggressive HUD Training Schedule; REITs; Median Income Limits
NEW Leadership Changes at Freddie Mac; Overzealous Regulations; CMBS Redefault Rate; Fed Sees Second Half Bounce
NEW Risk Retention Comment Period Extended, Feedback Still Needed; Goldman Selling Servicing Division; Fannie/Freddie Updates
NEW Underwriters Who Must Comply with SAFE Act Licensing; Jobs Down But Shops are Hiring; Anyone Left to Refinance?
NEW Feedback Needed: Risk Retention Comment Period Almost Expired
NEW Post-Closing's Impact on Hedging Costs; Bank Liquidity and Required Reserves; ADP's Accuracy; NMLS Training
NEW Ginnie Mae Issuance in April; FHA Wholesaler with Limited Overlays ; Account Exec Job Opening; Investor Bulletins
NEW HUD Addresses Upcoming Reduction in Loan Limits; Foreclosure Moratoriums Back; Repurchase Requests Down
NEW Pipeline Hedging Costs; Servicer Single Point of Contact; High Concentration of Foreclosures; Looking for Jumbo Lender?
NEW Mortgage Reforms Threaten "Tsunami" of Burdens on Industry; Revisiting Rural Housing; Feedback Needed on New Disclosures
NEW Goldman Sachs Buying Up Jumbo Mortgage Product. More Lenders Chasing Non-Agency Deals; Appraisal Feedback
NEW Declining Productivity in Home Lending; 620 FICO FHA Buyers; Non-Agency Product Funding; Google Mortgage Advisor
NEW Customary and Reasonable Fees: Appraisers Under Fire
NEW Reg-Z and Non-Owner Occupied Properties; Insight on Muni Bonds; How Rating Agencies Evaluate Banks; More on Loan Origination Systems
NEW Correspondent Investors Question Purchasing Practices; Loan Origination System Discussion; GSEs Blocking Private-Label MBS Market?
NEW Big Banks Entrenched in Consumer Finance; Quicken Responds to Compensation Allegations; NAR Income & Age Demographics
NEW Originator Compensation Issue Back in Court; House Speaker Shares Thoughts on Housing; Freddie REO Sales Promotion; Loan Limits
NEW The Push for Simpler Home Loan Paperwork; NAR on QRM; Cross-Qualification Requirement
NEW Dodd-Frank:(Not) Addressing Too Big To Fail; New Mortgage Reform Legislation; Call Report Deficiency Deadline; Appraisal Buybacks