All Headlines Rob Chrisman
Rob Chrisman's Daily Commentary
For the past 10 years Mortgage News Daily has provided our readers with Rob Chrisman's daily commentary.
NEW Flood Insurance Focus; Vendor Mergers & Agreements; Unemployment Different Based on Gender and Race: "Mancession"
NEW Production Jobs; FHA Streamline Issues; MERS Victory; More on NMLS training; Investors Suspending Programs & Limiting AMC's
NEW A Pod of Investor Updates; Upcoming Conferences & Lots of Various Training Sessions
NEW Focus on Appraisals, Appraiser Hurdles, and AMC's; Bank of America Details Mortgage Exit Strategy
NEW Flood Insurance Update; 2% Paid on Impound Accounts; Insurance Against a Drop in Home Values? Sign Me Up!
NEW Fraud Trends; Lenders One Weighs in on G-fees; HARP & Servicing Comments; Where Does Impound Income Go?
NEW New Repurchase Risk Tool; Foreign Buyers in Florida Paying Cash; HUD Changes Multi-state Rules
NEW Suggestions on Improving HARP; Rates Back to Pre-Twist Levels; 10/1 Approaching
NEW LO Comp Lawsuit Results; TBW Accounting Firm Sued; Investors Gearing up for VA Funding Fee Change
NEW New Reasons for Slow Refi's; Regulators Lacking Manpower; MISMO back to MBA
NEW FTC Goes After Loan Mod Companies; MERS Training; FHA MIP Suggestion
NEW Mortgages from the Supermarket?; Major Banks Downgraded; Lots of Investor Updates
NEW Positive LO Compensation Feedback; The Impact of Foreclosure Numbers
NEW Changes in G-fees, MI Levels and Risk Pricing from GSEs? Improving Commercial Real Estate?
NEW High-level Production Jobs; Wholesaler Rankings; Countrywide Bankruptcy?
NEW Mortgage Company Performance Survey Findings; LO's Comment on Effect of New Comp Rules
NEW Mortgage Banking Movies?; The BofA Ripple Effect in the Industry
NEW SEC & REIT's; Fannie & Freddie Latest; WSJ on Government's Role in BofA Cuts
NEW BofA Correspondent Update; Basel Rules Called "Anti-American"; MetLife Servicer-Quality Rating Reduced
NEW Possible HARP Changes; MERS Holding It's Own; Loan Limits Extension
NEW Insurance 101: Errors & Omissions, Professional Liability, Fidelity Bonds
NEW Pipeline Management in a Changing Mortgage Banking Landscape
NEW Industry Observations from an Industry Old-Timer
NEW Good Night Irene? Not So Fast. It's Recert Time!
NEW Reshuffling the Deck: Merging Mortgage Technologies
NEW BofA Looks to Exit Correspondent, What Next?
NEW BofA Settlement in Question; NMLS's Interesting Originator Stats; Impact of GNMA's Mod Rule
NEW Reader Feedback on Potential Government Refi Plan; Markets Calm After Storm
NEW Feedback on Potential Housing Bailout Programs
NEW New Refinance Program Unlikely. What About a 21st Century Homestead Act?
NEW FDIC Sued Over WAMU's Bad Loans; LPS Sued Over Robo-Signing Allegations; Bank of America in Downward Spiral
NEW PMI Suspended by GSEs; FHA Rebuilds Rental Units; Appraisers Hurting Home Sales?; S&P President Resigns
NEW Originator Turnover Observations; HUD Updates on Loan Limits; Eligibility and Credit Reg Bulletins
NEW Troubling Trends in Home Sales, Realtors Want Relaxed Regs; Rating the Ratings Agencies; Banks Cutting Jobs; Loan Submissions Needed
NEW MLOs on the Move; Pricing Overages Pay Marketing Expenses; Refinancing Borrowers from 30s to 15s; Appraisal Adjustments
NEW Big Banks Shedding Assets; Will Small Banks Keep Originating Mortgages? How Borrowers Opt Out of Trigger Lead Lists
NEW Ellie Mae Buys DataTrac; GSEs Here to Stay; Ginnie Mae Guarantees; Borrower Paid Comp Comments
NEW Mortgage Mergers and Acquisitions; Fed's View of the Economy; Florida Brokers Flee Industry; Loan Mod Fraud
NEW Foreclosure Law, Advertising Changes, Trigger Leads and 'Low Rates, Who Can Refi?'
NEW Dealing with REO Inventory; Another AARP Lawsuit; Loan Limit Cutoff Dates; LO Comp Feedback
NEW Automated Pricing Engine Issues; MLO Comp Plan Impact on Renegotiation Policies; Investor Updates
NEW Appraisal Independence Requirements; GSEs Downgraded; MIAC on Renegotiations; AIG vs. BoA;
NEW Buyback Claims; Industry Consolidation Commentary; Who Wants a Job?; What about Housing?
NEW PMI Following RMIC Down the Tubes? Saxon for Sale? REIT Prices Sliding? Too Many Questions for a Friday
NEW Explaining Wider Primary/Secondary Loan Pricing Spreads; CFPB Update; Radian vs. Quicken; RMIC Done
NEW Perspective on Rejected Title Insurance Claims; Even More Negative News for RMIC; Commercial Delinquency Rates
NEW Less Loan Production, More Repurchases Eat at Ally's Earnings; RMIC in Trouble; Renewed Interest in Regional Lenders
NEW Fannie Mae Suspends RMIC; Ocwen's Shared Appreciation Modification Program; Title Claim Trouble
NEW Revisiting Originator Compensation; Bank of America Faces New Lawsuit; Industry Earnings; Regulatory Conflict
NEW How Debt Ceiling Issues Impact Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; Bankruptcy Mortgage Project; Chance to Buy REITs?