All Headlines Rob Chrisman
Rob Chrisman's Daily Commentary
For the past 10 years Mortgage News Daily has provided our readers with Rob Chrisman's daily commentary.
NEW Defending The Mortgage Industry From Generalizations; New HUD Mortgagee Letter; HAMP Data; TB&W Chairman in Trouble
NEW Big Banker MBS Holdings Decline in Q1 2010; More Originator Job Offers; Secondary Marketing Conference; Investor Regs
NEW Why Isn't Loan Production Picking Up?; More on Originator Compensation and Risk Retention Legislation; HomePath Update; Less and Less Product
NEW Senate Votes to Limit Broker Compensation Options and Require Bankers to Retain Risk; Industry Job Losses; More on Loan Buyback Requests;
NEW FDIC Proposes Risk Retention Rules for Securitized Loans; The Price Mechanism and Discounting Risk; FHA Broker Approval Update
NEW Two Housing Reports: Underwater Homeowners & Home Values; Chase Updates Flipping Policy; Fannie Mae DU Version 8.1; GSE Reform Bill
NEW Quality Control Second Credit Report Requirements; FHA Broker Approvals; Do Not Call Lists; Lender Turn Times Redefined
NEW Impact of Fannie's Quality Control Initiative on Lenders; PMI Reports Improving Home Values; HUD Gives Guidance on Lead Paint
NEW Plethora of Job Openings for Mortgage Originators; Negative Convexity Explained; Clean Energy Loans; Freddie Mac Earnings
NEW Cinco de Mayo: HAMP Incentives Denied to NonCompliant Servicers? High Balance Loans; Penny Mac Earnings; Flood Zone Alert
NEW MARI Says Loan Fraud "Significantly Understated"; Risk Retention Reform Issues; Jumbo Loan Pricing; Many Important Investor Updates
NEW Fannie Mae Cuts Interest Only Program and Releases ARM Updates; FDIC Shuts Down Seven More Banks; MGIC Reg Revision
NEW Last Day to Take Advantage of Home Buyer Tax Credit; Last Day of GFE Leniency From HUD; Carry Trade Primer
NEW Originators Face Moral Dilemma: Cheer On The Economy or Root For Low Mortgage Rates; Ginnie Issuance Down in March; Greek Ramifications
NEW Do Brokers Have Better Pull-Through Then Retail Originators? USDA Update; Home Prices; Lender Bulletins
NEW How Will Mortgage Bankers Survive in 2010?; HUD Online Training; Mortgage Rate and Yield Spread Primer
NEW Federal Reserve Board Vacancies; FDIC Bank Closings; USDA Update; Mortgage Insurance Bulletin
NEW Ratings Agency Primer; More On The Non-Agency Mortgage Market; Wells Fargo Still Battling Baltimore; Swimming Pool Requirement
NEW Life in the Secondary Mortgage Market; More on FHA Approvals; Govie Loan Volume; New $100 Note
NEW FHA Issues Final Rule on Lender Approval Process; No Guarantee Tax Credit Loans Close By June 30; Several Investor Updates
NEW Anything New in Warehouse Lending?; Long Term Locks and RESPA; DO/DU Version 8.1 Release Notes; Earnings News
NEW Flood Insurance Extension; Citi Earnings; More Discussion on Goldman Sachs News; Updates from BofA, Flagstar, Pinnacle, GMAC, AmTrust, USB
NEW Top Ranked Mortgage Originators; Important Appraisal Updates; BofA Q1 Results; Loan Mod Progress; Reform
NEW Fannie Mae Reduces "Waiting Period" for Re-Established Credit; Ginnie to Allow Single Loan Securitization; More Foreclosures; RESPA Updates
NEW How FICO Scores Are Calculated; Chatter from the Trenches; JP Morgan Chase Earnings; Updates: Wells, Freddie, Provident, Citi, USB
NEW The Magnitude of the 2nd Mortgage Problem; Numerous Investor Bulletins; Banks and Hedge Funds Buying; SATO
NEW Mortgage Insurance Updates; Credit Union Shuts Down; HUD Accepts Electronic Signatures; Wells Reminds About Appraisal Flipping
NEW FHA to Accept Electronic Signatures; Closing, Settlement, Funding, and Signing Discrepancies; Does a GFE Need a Property Address?
NEW Changes in Originator Commission Plans; Prepayment Speeds and Delinquency Buyouts; No Fee Reverse Mortgages; Commercial Loan Rankings
NEW FHA Net Worth Requirements; Primer on Compare Ratios & Neighborhood Watch; Loan Profitability
NEW The Re-Emergence of Seller Financing; Problems Modifying 2nd Liens; More Flood Insurance Updates;
NEW UFMIP Reminder; HUD Shuts Down Two Lenders; REO Appraisal Guidance; Primary Dealers; Texas Laws Pay Off
NEW FDIC Finds Buyer for $491 Million in RMBS; Freddie Selling Foreclosed Homes; Flood Insurance Directives; Condo News
NEW Unexpected ARM Index Adjustments; RESPA to be Repealed?; Option ARMs Resurface; Wells Fargo Changes Name to Norwest; April Fools Joke
NEW Flood Insurance Guidance from Lenders; Wells Says No Signatures on GFE; Housing Prices Need Buyer Volume to Confirm Rise
NEW Lender Bulletins: Quality Control, HPML's, No MI for I/O, Useable FICO Scores, FHA Flipping, Allowable VA Fees, Appraisal Required for Streamline Refi
NEW Flood Insurance Program Not Extended; FHA MIP Reminder; Wells Fargo Jumbo Rollout; PIMCO Hiring; Bank Failures
NEW RESPA & Changes to Fees Based on Updated Loan Amount; Cali Homebuyer Tax Credit; Principal Reduction Program; Mortgage Jobs
NEW ACORN Closing State Chapters; Modified Loan Buybacks; Bank of America's FHA Flipping Policy & Principal Reduction Plan
NEW New FHA Compliance Manager; Long Road of Housing Reform Ahead; Short Sale Primer; PMI Freddie Mac Approved; FHA Delinquencies
NEW FHA Guidance for Merging Mortgage Ops; Chase Joins HAMP 2nd Lien Program; USDA Update; Corporate Rates Lower than Treasuries
NEW Citi "Re-Entering" Correspondent Channel; Reverse Mortgages; Updates From Almost Every Major Lender;
NEW Underwriter Compensation and Production; Mortgage Insurance Update; Fannie Mae Buyout Details
NEW The Cost of Labor in the Mortgage Market; FHA Origination Down 10% in January; Wells to Modify 2nd Liens; Condo Questions
NEW Federal Home Loan Bank's Suit Against Nine Private Label MBS Dealers; Several Lender Updates; No Change from Fed
NEW Fed Doves & Hawks Defined; More on USDA; ResCap & Goldman; Rent vs. Buy; Refinancing Government Debt
NEW FDIC Selling Mortgage Assets of Failed Banks; "Good" Foreclosure Stats; Updates from: Chase, WAMU, USB, Wells, FAMC,SunTrust
NEW Loan Officers Who Sell Real Estate; Wells Expands Market Making in Mortgage-Backeds; FDIC Acts on a Thursday; Freddie Mac Bulletin
NEW Lenders Relaxing Non-Agency ARM Regs; High Cost Loan Reporting Guidance; Negative Convexity Defined; New Mortgagee Letter
NEW Underwriters: Loan Quality Still in Need of Improvement; Interesting FICO Score Data; Will the Fed sell their MBS Holdings?