All Headlines Rob Chrisman
Rob Chrisman's Daily Commentary
For the past 10 years Mortgage News Daily has provided our readers with Rob Chrisman's daily commentary.
NEW Upcoming Events; Have a Say on G-fees; Cost of Enforcement Actions
NEW IRS Drama Continues; FHA's Memo on DPA Programs; Fallout From G-Fees
NEW Chase Settles Lawsuit, Wells Has One Dismissed; Progress on e-Sign? Backup LOS Worth It?
NEW Bank Branch Numbers, Income, and M&A; Builder Trends Definitely Point Higher; Upcoming Events
NEW Innovation in Primary & Secondary Markets; Every FHA Lender Following HUD v. Nova
NEW News from the MBA, Including TRID Survey, OIG, CFPB, NAR, CUNA, PACE, and Several Other Acronyms
NEW Update on MSAs; TRID for Realtors; Avalanche of Freddie & Fannie updates
NEW Recent State-Specific Lending Law Updates; Greek Settlement Shifts Rates Higher
NEW Google's Mortgage Investment; Bank M&A; Hedging Servicing?
NEW Trends in Servicing and Servicing Transfers
NEW Best Efforts Sales are Alive and Well: The Cost of Rate Lock Extensions Explained
NEW Compendium of FHA, VA, Ginnie, Fannie, Freddie Updates Including LPMI & TRID Policies
NEW Upcoming Events & Training; Greek Drama Pushes Rates Lower
NEW The Scoop on Tax Transcripts & 4506-T's - Required Prior to Closing by the Agencies?
NEW Investor Updates on Disaster Policies; LLPA Changes; Western Secondary Conference
NEW Originator Census Survey; Another Lender Purchased; It's All About Greece?
NEW FHLB & Warehouse Lines; U.S. Rates Drop; CFPB to Audit Executive Pay
NEW Jumbo & State news; Disparate Impact Ruling Clears Things Up, Kind of; New UDAAP?
NEW MSA Training Call; Bank M&A - How Many Branches is Fifth Third Closing?
NEW Millennials - Rent, Jobs, & Diversity; Yes, Free DU, But There Are Compliance Tangles
NEW Up-to-the-Minute TRID Info; The Problem with APR; MI Company's Focus
NEW Plenty of Conventional Conforming Updates; A September Hike?
NEW Safest Places to Live; Note from Dave Stevens on the Current State of the Biz
NEW TRID Update; Mortgage Company Acquisitions; Barclays Changes; OCC Restricts Wells and Others
NEW Upcoming TRID Events Around the Country; Thoughts on Helping Minorities & Millennials
NEW TRID for the Public; Primer on Hedging: Changes Facing Residential Lending; Builders to Merge
NEW Non-QM Exec Vacates; Legal Explanation of the Importance of Vendor Management
NEW Product Development; Training and Events; Challenges to Lending in California
NEW Thoughts on What Kind of Lender Will Survive & Thrive in a No-Growth Industry
NEW Lenders' $300 Billion Legal Bill; Life in a Mortgage Bank
NEW CFPB Fines Lender for Paying Branch Managers on Interest Rates; Hedging Philosophy
NEW CFPB Targets LO Comp, Captive Insurance, and Reverse Mortgages; Upcoming Events
NEW Bank M&A Continues; Wide Range of Industry Reaction to TRID Announcement
NEW Chase Layoffs; Nationstar Lawsuit; Profits Per Loan in 1st Quarter; Big Fannie Seller Changes
NEW TRID training; Supreme Court Decides 2nd Mortgage Case; Title and MI Updates
NEW CFPB Developments Including Targeting Provident for Broker Business Done Years Ago
NEW Good Trends in House Prices; 45 Business Days until TRID! Survey Says 92% Will Be Ready
NEW Ocwen's Houston Closure; Risks Facing Banks; Cost of Compliance; State Level Lending News
NEW Interesting Trends in FHLB, Subprime, and Non-Agency MBS Issuance; So What if Greece Defaults?
NEW TRID News; eClosing Update; First Time Home Buyer Numbers
NEW Lawsky Bails and Sails; New Lehman/GreenPoint Suit; Home/Land Price Trends
NEW Fiserv to Give CFPB Data; Warning on Suspect Warehouse Lender
NEW TRID training; Capital Markets FAQs; Bank Ratings - Good News for US Bank and BofA
NEW FHA/VA Updates and Related Investor Guideline Changes - The New Handbook Dissected
NEW GSE and Investor Updates Continue; What if Fed Tweaked its Balance Sheet?
NEW CFPB Addresses Section 8; NAR, MBA, NAMB, Congress to CFPB: "Don't TRID on Me!"
NEW Residential Lenders Go Into Personal Loans; Regulations Driving M&A; Cordray Addresses TRID Fears
NEW NAR Warns Realtors About TRID; Unabated Agency Changes - Who Can Keep Track?
NEW Notable Changes to State Lending Laws - And What is a Spite Fence?
NEW TRID Products & Training; HARP/HAMP Extended; BofA/Chase Change Bankruptcy Policy