Thu, Apr 16 2015, 10:03 AM
saying PSDS without sounding like you're from Boston saying "pierced
ears". And 3,100 miles away, in California, the latest report echoes
Wed, Apr 15 2015, 10:32 AM
we had plenty of CFPB updates , and let's continue with those. Remember
that even though although your bank or mortgage operation is th...
Tue, Apr 14 2015, 11:26 AM
As a reminder, many in the industry know that as of April 1 new rates kicked in under the National Flood Insurance Program . Policy premiums increas...
Mon, Apr 13 2015, 9:51 AM
We're approaching the home buying season. What could $412k pick up in Detroit during the last home buying season? Here you go . Thanks to Brian B. fo...
Thu, Apr 9 2015, 9:40 AM
to the U.S. Census Bureau, the national mover rate has remained stable
(between 11.5 and 12.5 percent) since 2008. In 1948, about 1 in...
Wed, Apr 8 2015, 9:10 AM
The Census Bureau published a
table showing median earnings and a wage comparison for men and women
depending upon occupation. In 2013, there were...
Tue, Apr 7 2015, 10:29 AM
have a way of changing - even appearances. (Ray W. sent me news that
recently there was a Kenny Rogers look-alike contest. Kenny Rogers cam...
Mon, Apr 6 2015, 10:19 AM
Late last week someone asked me about HUD's Equal Access Rule .
A month or so ago Bankers Advisory released a notice regarding HUD's
update to eq...
Fri, Apr 3 2015, 10:11 AM
Mergers and acquisitions
valued at $811.8 billion have been announced this quarter globally, up
21% compared with Q1 of 2014, according to Thomso...
Thu, Apr 2 2015, 9:36 AM
The MBA tells us that independent
mortgage banks and mortgage subsidiaries of chartered banks "average
production volume totaled $417 million per ...
Wed, Apr 1 2015, 10:00 AM
lenders across the land wonder at their good fortune for great
origination volumes in March, with many setting records, and they are t...
Tue, Mar 31 2015, 10:57 AM
Earhart was quoted as saying, "Never interrupt someone doing something
you said couldn't be done." Few thought that the refi boom could hav...
Mon, Mar 30 2015, 9:38 AM
like a lion, out like a lamb? Usually folks say that about March's
weather, not the economy. But economic data so far in the first quarter
Fri, Mar 27 2015, 10:35 AM
love it when I receive an e-mail warning me, "You've had unusual and
suspicious activity on your American Express Card." I don't have an
Thu, Mar 26 2015, 10:20 AM
Fannie announced some important news to any changes in the way self-employed income is considered. Sure enough, the folks on Wisconsin Avenue (soon ...
Wed, Mar 25 2015, 10:02 AM
think the gap between the haves and have-nots is widening? USA Today
reports the world's richest 1% of people control over 50% of total
Tue, Mar 24 2015, 11:11 AM
Thank you to Carol Kimball who sent along this site of " inexplicably terrible real estate photos ." My guess is that every underwriter has seen their...
Mon, Mar 23 2015, 11:02 AM
I head off to Austin, Texas for four days of MBA STRATMOR Peer Group
Program meetings - a great opportunity to sit in a room with the MBA,
Fri, Mar 20 2015, 10:49 AM
Teck Valuation Services' Home Value Forecast (HVF) examined the impact
of lower oil prices on home values. Perhaps to no one's surprise, the
Thu, Mar 19 2015, 10:48 AM
with the Fannie price changes Tuesday, does the securities market still
charge a premium for high balance conforming? " Yes it does - pools...
Wed, Mar 18 2015, 10:40 AM
What is the Willis Tower? I don't know, but the $1.3 billion Sears Tower , complete with a $775 million loan, was sold to Blackstone.
The WSJ repor...
Tue, Mar 17 2015, 10:26 AM
St. Patrick's Day! Irish or not, many celebrated last Saturday instead
of tonight, although in honor of today Hal M. writes, "The Irish
Mon, Mar 16 2015, 9:44 AM
everyone has been involved in failed business ventures. Some go away
entirely, but some try to bounce back. Anyone who has ever flown ...
Fri, Mar 13 2015, 10:51 AM
month I had the privilege of spending some time at the Florida Ellie
Mae Encompass event with CEO Jonathan Corr. I was reminded that he had
Thu, Mar 12 2015, 10:43 AM
Charles Dickens walks into a bar and asks for a martini. The bartender asks, "Olive or twist?"
Some things have a clever twist, others not so much -...
Wed, Mar 11 2015, 10:50 AM
"Most mortgage bankers know that if they're attacked by a mob of clowns to go for the juggler."
And most mortgage bankers know whether or not the co...
Tue, Mar 10 2015, 10:17 AM
mortgage industry continues to deal with unintended consequences of
over-regulation, including higher prices for borrowers. The barrel
Mon, Mar 9 2015, 10:25 AM
I am asked about how the agencies handle certain types of debt. As a
reminder, Fannie Mae requires that all deferred installment debt...
Fri, Mar 6 2015, 11:04 AM
Savings commences for many parts of the U.S. dark and early Sunday
morning. For many this means spring is around the corner, with improve...
Thu, Mar 5 2015, 10:49 AM
this time of year mortgage bankers everywhere are asking the same
critical question: "Is it acceptable to make an entire lunch out of Girl
Wed, Mar 4 2015, 9:45 AM
ruins your Friday like realizing it is only Wednesday! I lose track of
what we're celebrating this month: I was all geared up for the Iris...
Tue, Mar 3 2015, 10:52 AM
Irish-American Heritage is celebrated throughout the month of March and St. Patrick's Day is on March 17 th .
Once again our Census Bureau has its f...
Mon, Mar 2 2015, 9:59 AM
National MI recently added a Homebuyer Education
course to its offerings. This online course will help first-time
homebuyers navigate the home ...
Fri, Feb 27 2015, 11:06 AM
Zillow published an article
indicating that low-income renters have moved away from living in
rural, dense communities and into more affluent su...
Thu, Feb 26 2015, 12:10 PM
in North Dakota, at -9 degrees this morning, appraising properties is a
walk in the park, right? What about for appraisers in the Lake Erie ...
Wed, Feb 25 2015, 9:27 AM
the focus of this 6-day a week commentary is residential, it is good to
have an awareness of commercial lending - especially as it compet...
Tue, Feb 24 2015, 10:55 AM
Zelman and Associates published its January Homebuilding Survey ,
indicating that 2015 is off to a strong start. Order growth increased
32% year-...
Mon, Feb 23 2015, 10:34 AM
Young adultsĀ are stacking up, but not shacking up -
according to a recent Zillow analysis .
Most young adults are living with their parents or l...
Fri, Feb 20 2015, 11:00 AM
have been speaking with plenty of mortgage bankers in recent weeks -
what are they saying? The refi biz is alive and well but slowing
Thu, Feb 19 2015, 10:50 AM
Loans recently released its monthly Home Price Perception Index (HPPI)
and Home Value Index (HVI). According to the HPPI, appraiser's ho...
Wed, Feb 18 2015, 10:20 AM
tellers and other bank employees are very aware of elder abuse, and
train regularly to spot it. (Hopefully I won't be accused of it - my
Tue, Feb 17 2015, 10:16 AM
the riddle of the day. What is "165"? Answer: it is the number of
business days until August 1, when the RESPA-TILA rules go into place . ...
Fri, Feb 13 2015, 10:58 AM
Friday the 13 th comes three times this year, and this is one of them.
can think of three more companies that won't be sending chocolate to
Thu, Feb 12 2015, 10:11 AM
Pew survey finds the typical middle class family could only replace 21
days of income with readily accessible funds. What is even scarier
Wed, Feb 11 2015, 10:27 AM
are plenty of states with plenty of mountains. In fact, while many say
it is "as flat as a pancake" in Kansas, you might be interested to kn...
Tue, Feb 10 2015, 10:32 AM
I head to Houston for a couple days, and the city certainly has its
share of coffee houses. What if purchasing your next house near a
Mon, Feb 9 2015, 10:59 AM
Next Monday is a Federal Holiday. When I was a kid we had
both Lincoln's and Washington's birthdays off, and it serves as a
reminder that we got g...
Fri, Feb 6 2015, 11:00 AM
"Rob, do you know where I can find a list of
the largest credit unions?" Yes I do: credit union ranking .
Credit unions in the United States serv...
Thu, Feb 5 2015, 10:55 AM
the last few weeks I have had the opportunity to visit Florida, Oregon,
Colorado, Southern California (its own state), Arizona, Texas, and
Wed, Feb 4 2015, 9:43 AM
Appraisers, and pet lovers, will find this house dedicated to felines
of interest. Personally, I view it as somewhat quirky. Maybe not so