All Headlines FHA
Latest FHA Articles
NEW FHA Mortgage Insurance Fee Hike: Last Day to Order Case Numbers; Credit Check Double Standard; BoA Job Cuts; Comp Confusion
NEW JPMorgan Chase Earnings Hit by Mortgage Banking Costs; FHA Market Share Seen Dropping; GSE Uniform Collateral Data Standards;
NEW Safe Harbor Rule Open for Interpretation; FHA Mortgage Insurance Premium Increase; Lenders Looking to Hire
NEW Risk Manager to Run FHA Once Stevens Steps Aside
NEW Risk Retention Vote Scheduled. QRM Proposal Expected; Non-Agency Loan Production; Flagstar Loosens FHA Credit Requirements
NEW Risk-Based Pricing Adjusters Reduce Loan Demand; Excess Servicing Sales Pick Up; FHA E-Signatures Acceptance;
NEW MBA President Courson Resigns. Ex-FHA Commish Gets Job
NEW FHA Commissioner David Stevens Resigns; Foreclosure Sale Horror Story; Another Originator Compensation Lawsuit; Credit Suisse Settles
NEW Fence-Sitting Homebuyers Face FHA Fee Hike Deadline
NEW Loan Servicing Reform Debate Heats Up; Fed Changes Rule on Escrow Accounts; Citi's Compensation Policy; FHA Loan Applications Fall
NEW FHA Commissioner Explains Logic Behind Insurance Premium Hike
NEW Judge Rules Against MERS; Annual FHA MIP Fee Increase; Higher Energy Prices and the Housing Market
NEW HUD 2012 Budget: Increased Outlays Offset by Incoming FHA Receipts
NEW FHA Announces Fee Hike. Targeted Relaxation of Regs Ahead?
NEW Housing Finance Reform: Reduced Loan Limits, Larger Down Payments, Higher FHA MIP Fees
NEW Originator Compensation FAQ Part V; FHA Anit-Flipping Waiver Extended; HUD Issues Guidance on New FHA Remittance Process
NEW Originator Compensation FAQ Part IV; 500 FICO FHA Product; Feedback on Fannie and Freddie REO Inventory
NEW FHA Extends Direct Endorsement Deadline. Correspondent FHA Originators Get Deadline Waiver
NEW Layoffs Loom as GSEs Prepare for Reform; Ginnie & MISMO; FHA Short Refi Program Conference Call; Lots of Lender Updates
NEW FHA Condo Project Approvals Extended; Discriminatory Lender Overlays; State Level Stimulus Needed; Qualified Loan Tests
NEW MBA: Proposed FHA Indemnification Rules Penalize Responsible Lenders
NEW Fannie Says No to Re-Repurchases; New Appraisal Guidance; Goldman Sachs Servicing Rumor; FHA Loan Limits
NEW Lender "Skin in the Game"; More on Freddie's Fee Increase; New Mortgagee Letters; Sponsored FHA Originators; Investor Bulletins
NEW FHA Commissioner Announces New Loan Product and Shares Education Resources
NEW Spike in FHA to FHA Refinances; Deutsche Bank on Home Prices; Compensation Conference Call; Wells Finds Flaws in Foreclosures
NEW Ginnie Mae Net Worth & Liquidity Standards; QEII Chatter; Home Owner Loan Corp; FHA Condo Recertifications;
NEW What is Quantitative Easing? Investor Raises FHA Minimum FICO to 640; New Mortgagee Letter
NEW FHA Commissioner Outlines Recent Updates and Discusses New Policy Initiatives
NEW Freddie Mac's Rate Survey; FRBNY Suing BofA; Loan Buybacks; NMLS & Credit Reports; FHA Training; Wells Fargo Earnings
NEW FHA Clarifies Lender Indemnification Process and Performance Expectations
NEW Purchase Demand Rallies Ahead of FHA Updates. Seller Concession Reduction Still in Limbo
NEW Feedback: Loan Closing Delayed on Foreclosed Property Purchase; More on Retained Servicing vs. Released; TPO FHA Production
NEW New FHA MIP in Effect; Foreclosure Mess Impacts Title Companies; Wells Stops Short Sale Extensions; Servicers Review Processes
NEW FHA MIP Updates Go Live on Monday; Flood Insurance Officially Extended; Lots of Lender Bulletins
NEW GSE Loan Limits Extended for Another Year. FHA Appropriated $20 Billion
NEW MBA Presents Blueprint for the Futures of Ginnie Mae and FHA
NEW More USDA Rural Housing Confusion; Fannie and Freddie Cost Estimates; FHA High Loan Balance Max DTI; Homeowner Outlook
NEW FHA Underwater Refi Option; MBS Issuance; TBW & Freddie Mac Relief Open Access; Wells Buying USDA Product; PHH and JP Morgan Loan Purchase Agreement
NEW Bad Mortgage Loans Almost Behind Us?; Lending Tree vs. Zillow; More on Self-Employed Borrowers; RESPA Tolerance Defects; FHA MIP Updates
NEW Extending Credit to Self-Employed Borrowers; FDIC Sells Delinquent Loans; Brokers Ordering FHA Case Numbers; 2nd Credit Pulls
NEW Potential Spot to Shelf Jumbo Loan Paper; FHA Q&A on Condo Recerts; Buyback Breakdown; Lots of Lender Updates
NEW Zero-Down Payment Programs; New FHA Mortgagee Letter; Does the Value of Servicing Warrant Retaining It?
NEW New FHA MIP Structure to Slow Streamlines; Appraisal Adjustments; GSE MBS Issuance in July; FDIC Transparency; Update on Non-Agency Paper
NEW Talk from the Trenches: Loan Pricing Margins Getting Crushed as Rally Persists; "Bad Loan Biz" Doing Well; FHA Steamline Product; Buybacks and Credit Overlays
NEW HAMP Fallout Quadruples; FHA Condo Recertification Requirements; Rapid Refinance as Means to Distribute Money Around the Economy;
NEW Homeownership: Deed of Trust vs. Mortgage; Applying the Definition of Loan Originator; New FHA Jumbo FICO Floors; HOA Certs; Revised DTI Regs
NEW FHA Insures High Cost Multi-Family Housing Development; Taylor Bean Buyouts Impact Prepay Speeds; Non-Agency Delinquency Rates; REO Inventory;
NEW Buybacks Plague Industry from Top to Bottom: FHA Webinar Today; Update on Non-Agency Secondary Market; NMLS Deadlines Loom
NEW HUD Pushes Implementation of New FHA Mortgage Insurance Premium to October
NEW Fannie Mae Approves Genworth; Reams of FHA Updates; New Correspondent Investor; Bulletins from Wells, USB, SWS, Texas & SAFE Act