All Headlines FHA
Latest FHA Articles
NEW FHA Releases More Details on Program Aimed at Upside-Down Borrowers
NEW Pipeline Hedging and Profit Margins; Still Dealing with the Same Rapid Refi Rumors; Fannie's Q2 Loss; FHA Insurance Funds Dwindle; Renegotiation Policies
NEW FHA Alert: New Upfront & Annual MIPs Go Live in September
NEW FHA Changes on the Horizon; Cross Selling Mortgages to Banking Clients; Failed MBS Trades; "Credit Repair" Fraud Case Settled;
NEW Home Builder Rankings; Updates from HUD and Fannie Mae; Home Ownership Stats; FHA Sanctions;
NEW FHA Ready to Reduce Seller Concessions. HUD Invites Industry Comment Before Implementation
NEW FHA Penalizes Over 1,000 Lenders for Violating Regulatory Standards
NEW FHA Commissioner Discusses Underwriting Standards and Lender Accountability
NEW Neighborhood Stabilization Participants Get First Look at FHA REO
NEW Mortgage Investor Gossip; FICO Scores and Loan Production; "Hardest Hit" State Housing Programs; FHA Mini-Eagles;
NEW FHA Commissioner Discusses RESPA Reform and SAFE Act Implementation
NEW HVCC's Future in Doubt?; FHA Getting Ahead of Defaults; CRA Changes; Reverse Mortgage Issues; MGIC Update
NEW Credit Unions Still Offer HELOCs; FinReg Reform Update; HUD Guidance on FHA Approval; More Investor Bulletins
NEW Originator Identification Requirements; Mortgage Fraud Report; Flood Insurance Saga; Condo Guidance; FHA Annual Premiums
NEW FHA Gets OK to Raise Annual Mortgage Insurance Premium
NEW More On Mortgage Insurance; Non-Agency Lending Thaw; FHA Reform Act Amendments; EPO Policies; Credit Rating Agencies
NEW Private Mortgage Insurers Make Push For FHA Business; GSEs Roll Out Uniform Data Program Details; Bulletins From BoA and Wells
NEW Most Profitable Bank Owned Origination Channels; FHA Net Worth Requirements; Manufactured Home Lending; HomePath News; More On Flood Insurance Policies
NEW FHA Commissioner Clarifies Changes to Condo Approval Process & Net Worth Requirements
NEW Originator Feedback From The Trenches; FHA Broker/Lender Approval Guidance; HomePath Update; Citi Non-Agency Lending; 95% MI
NEW FDIC Proposes Risk Retention Rules for Securitized Loans; The Price Mechanism and Discounting Risk; FHA Broker Approval Update
NEW Quality Control Second Credit Report Requirements; FHA Broker Approvals; Do Not Call Lists; Lender Turn Times Redefined
NEW Proposal to Increase FHA Downpayment Voted Down in Committee
NEW Housing Stats: New Home Sales Financed by the FHA
NEW FHA Loan Applications Surge in March
NEW Life in the Secondary Mortgage Market; More on FHA Approvals; Govie Loan Volume; New $100 Note
NEW FHA Issues Final Rule on Lender Approval Process; No Guarantee Tax Credit Loans Close By June 30; Several Investor Updates
NEW FHA to Accept Electronic Signatures; Closing, Settlement, Funding, and Signing Discrepancies; Does a GFE Need a Property Address?
NEW FHA Net Worth Requirements; Primer on Compare Ratios & Neighborhood Watch; Loan Profitability
NEW Lender Bulletins: Quality Control, HPML's, No MI for I/O, Useable FICO Scores, FHA Flipping, Allowable VA Fees, Appraisal Required for Streamline Refi
NEW Flood Insurance Program Not Extended; FHA MIP Reminder; Wells Fargo Jumbo Rollout; PIMCO Hiring; Bank Failures
NEW Details of HAMP Improvements and New FHA Refinance Program
NEW ACORN Closing State Chapters; Modified Loan Buybacks; Bank of America's FHA Flipping Policy & Principal Reduction Plan
NEW New FHA Compliance Manager; Long Road of Housing Reform Ahead; Short Sale Primer; PMI Freddie Mac Approved; FHA Delinquencies
NEW FHA Guidance for Merging Mortgage Ops; Chase Joins HAMP 2nd Lien Program; USDA Update; Corporate Rates Lower than Treasuries
NEW The Cost of Labor in the Mortgage Market; FHA Origination Down 10% in January; Wells to Modify 2nd Liens; Condo Questions
NEW FHA Commissioner: Raising the Down Payment Requirement Would Hurt Housing Recovery
NEW Credit Unions Expanding Loan Production; Ready for Buybacks?; Lender Rating Model; FHA Approval News; Four More Bank Failures
NEW Lender Implementation of FHA Flipping Guideline; SAFE Act Still Weighs on Originators, Thornburg Execs in Trouble
NEW FHA Extends Deadline to Submit Audited Financials. Elimination of Correspondent/Broker Approval Still Pending
NEW GFE Horror Stories Still Abundant; Lack of HUD Leniency; Loan Mods Made to Out of Work Homeowners; More FHA Tips
NEW Originators Work More For Less; FHA Tips from Citi; DU 8.0 April Update; Japan Passes China as Biggest Tsy Buyer
NEW FHA Appraisal Policy REMINDER; Approve/Ineligibles; How PIIGS impact MBS; ING & YSP
NEW HUD and FDIC Hiring; NMLS Background Checks; SAFE Act training; FHA Watching DE Lenders
NEW Lenders Using the GFE as Marketing Tool; Lenders Cut by FHA; Condo Approvals; Guidance on Borrowers Facing Imminent Default;
NEW FHA Keeps Promise. Continues to Crack Down on Lenders
NEW Analysis of FHA Changes; RESPA & GFE Feedback from the Trenches; Fifth Third & Goldman results
NEW FHA Increases Upfront MIP Fee; Raises Credit Score Requirement; Reduces Seller Concessions
NEW Common Sense Lending; FHA Tweaks Key Regs; Earnings from BofA, Wells, MS; Thoughts on Success in 2010
NEW The Day Ahead: Housing Starts, PPI, FHA to Increase Upfront Insurance Fee