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NEW California Says "No Thanks"; FHA Compare Ratio, and Lender FHA Changes not to be Ignored
NEW Forecast on FHA Compare Ratios; MetLife Chatter; Importance of Contingency Plans for Lenders
NEW Refi Plan for Gon-government Loans? Chalk Another One up for MERS
NEW The Latest on On-line Lending; Principal Forgiveness Cost; How HUD's Changes Will Impact Gov't Lenders
NEW BofA Halts Cash-out Refinancing; Letters From the Trenches; Mortgage Hiring Continues
NEW Old Rating Agency Model Becoming Extinct? Independent Mortgage Banks Able to do HARP 2.0 Loans?
NEW MBS Price Considerations Surrounding G-Fee Increase; PNC's Results Reflect Servicing Lawsuit Settlement?
NEW Wells' Mortgage Earnings Indicative of Industry? HUD to Limit Appeals?; CFPB Appraisal Fees
NEW CFPB Unfurls Mortgage Company Audit Procedure; Recent and Upcoming Housing Forecasts
NEW Special Holiday Edition Dedicated to the Mortgage Tax
NEW MBA Class on Fair Lending; Redwood's New Jumbo Deal; Chase's Mortgage Earnings Sag
NEW Insight from Mortgage Trader Lingo; CFPB to Sharpen Claws on PHH? Chatter on Goals for GSEs
NEW How MetLife's Exit Impacts the Industry - Will Others Follow?
NEW Wells Rolls the G-fee Hit Ordered by Congress; Indiana Refines Originator Rules; Fannie's EarlyCheck Benefits
NEW Is Underwriting Too Tight?; MBA's Stance on Current Industry Topics; Agency Downgrade?
NEW Reaction to CFPB's "Tell Your Story"; RMBS Chatter; VA's Appraisal Changes; USB Reacts to G-fee Hike
NEW Guarantee Fee Increase Chatter; Cordray in at CFPB? MERS Update; PHH's New Chief
NEW AOT, Guarantee Fee Primer; PIMCO Losing Investors; O2 Funding's Interesting Website Announcement
NEW All Cash Purchases Increase; VA's Final Rule for Vets to Avoid Foreclosure; HUD's Settlement with FNF Provides a RESPA Lesson
NEW Special Edition of Nothing but MI, Investor, and Lender Updates - Not for the Faint of Heart
NEW Experts 2012 Rate Outlook; 2011 Forecasts that Failed; MBS Capital Ratio Chatter; Basel III Thoughts
NEW A Few Good Mortgage Studies; One Wholesaler Rolls Out HARP 2.0; Investors' Thoughts on 2.0's Impact
NEW GE De-banks MetLife; Bank of America and Turbulent Times; PHH's Financial Condition; Two Banks' Housing Market Forecasts
NEW FHA Ant-flip Waiver Extended; Unintended Consequences of G-fee Hike; Tax Deductible MI Ending?; PHH Rumblings
NEW New Agency Borrowers Will Pay for Payroll Tax Cut Extension; Catch the Wave - Move Back in With Your Parents
NEW Fannie's Interesting HARP 2.0 Shift; Spotlight on the Agencies; Fortress' Chief to Take Some Time Off
NEW The CFPB Wants Your Input; Insurance Against Fraud; Cancelling Case Numbers
NEW Mortgage Fraud Continues; News from MetLife, LPS, M&T, REMN, Redwood Trust, Wells, Zillow, and BofA
NEW Banks to Increase Loan Loss Reserves? SEC's Fannie and Freddie Lawsuit; FHA Anti-Flipping Rule
NEW VA Loan Limits; QRM Update; TMBA Kick-off Conference for January; Fannie STAR News for Servicers
NEW Confusion with NAR and Fraud Stats; ULDD Extended; FDIC Weighs in on Appraisals
NEW Refi's Continue to be Strong - Who is Refinancing? Google Suspends Lead Generation
NEW Servicing: the Who's, What's, Why's, FHFA, and the MBA; Mortgage Company Profits
NEW Broker Market Share Increases; Las Vegas' Foreclosed-upon Property Law; Mortgage AE jobs
NEW VA Home Loan Primer; Cordray Nomination Temporarily Derailed; FHA Negative Equity Program Clarifications
NEW Lending to Borrowers with Negative Equity: Spotlight on the FHA's Negative Equity Program
NEW SunTrust's Buybacks; Citi's Lay-offs; HARP 2.0 & Refinancing Speeds; MISMO Back in Action
NEW Wind Continues to Come Out of HARP 2.0 Sails; NY Fed Reports on Multiple Non-owner Loans
NEW Dangerous Combination of GMAC, Massachusetts, a Lawsuit, Unpaid TARP, and Possible Bankruptcy
NEW FHA to Raise Premiums? HARP 2.0 Hesitation; CFPB Status; MI & Investor Updates
NEW Some Investors Rolling out HARP 2.0; 1st Day of UCDP; CA Mortgage Ops Job
NEW Refi Percentage Dropping; S&P Downgrades Banks; HARP Contact Info for Borrowers; MBA Classes for Originators
NEW Frank Out, Waters In? FHA Capital Reserves Questioned Again; Massachusetts Title Questions
NEW Comments on Buybacks and Production Hold-ups; NMLS Renewal; Mortgage Production & Ops Jobs
NEW Countrywide & Guam's Settlement; PMI Files for Bankrupcty; Primer on Fannie & Freddie's Impact on Fed Funds
NEW How Basel III Impacts Mortgage Prices; More Stress Testing for US Banks; 9% Approval Rating for Congress
NEW Wells Fargo FICO Pricing Changes Roil Rate Sheets; BofA Challenges Fannie on Buybacks; A Lesson in Cajun Economics
NEW FHA Gets the Nod, Fannie & Freddie Don't; Flood Insurance Changes; NMLS Update
NEW Servicers Breaking Into Vacant Homes a Crime? REIT Angst; Texas SAFE Act Vs. Fed's Version
NEW Citi Dialing Back FHA/VA; Where Will Market Price HARP 2.0 Loans? Plethora of Investor & MI Changes