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NEW Details on the Fed Basel III Vote Tomorrow; How it May Impact Rate Sheets / Volumes, and the BofA Servicing Sale
NEW Lender and Regulatory Updates; CMLA White Paper of Future of Secondary Markets; Struggle to Create QM Underwriting Guidelines
NEW The Tortilla Industry's Relation to LO and Realtor Comp; Thoughts on MBS Versus Rate Sheet Prices
NEW Fed's Vote Next Week on Basel III Will Impact Rate Sheets; Beazer to Form Rental REIT
NEW HARP 3.0 Musings; What these High MBS Prices Mean; Flood Insurance in the News Again?
NEW Organizations React to CFPB Compensation Proposals; MBA's Revised 2012 Estimates; QM Update; 10-yr Hits 1.68%
NEW Supreme Court Rules on RESPA Case; Denver Builder Mortgage Fraud; What Happens with Delinquent USDA Loans?
NEW Understanding Your Operation is Critical to Profits; Recent Lender/Investor Updates
NEW BofA Repurchases $330M from Freddie; Delinquencies Down, Sales Prices Up - What's Going On? AIG Back in Subprime
NEW Buybacks Wearing on Industry; Fannie, Freddie and Wall Street; FHA & Condo Project Changes?
NEW Lots of Training Sessions, NMLS Stats and Fraud Numbers; Oakland to Require Foreclosure Fees
NEW More Lender Updates; Letters from the Trenches and Legal Updates Focused on the CFPB
NEW A Note on The Implications Of Flat Fee Pricing; Lender Updates Continue; Ready For Another Refi Wave?
NEW The CFPB already has how many employees? And LO's wonder, "Could mortgage rates really go lower?"
NEW Stats Point to a Decent Housing Market; Nationstar and ResCap; Europe Continues to Move Rates
NEW Agencies Absolved of Causing Meltdown; Fifth Third Cuts HARP 2.0; Europe Approves Basel III
NEW ResCap's Bankruptcy and California's Budget Woes; National Refinance Legislation Proposal Breakdown
NEW Yet Another Refinance Bill from Congress; Input on CFPB's LO Comp; GSE Transfer Taxes
NEW CFPB to Whack LO's Upside the Head? QM Thoughts; How Much to be a Mortgage Banker?
NEW What is Going on in the Housing Market and Indices? The U.S. Government, ResCap, and AIG
NEW Agencies to Limit Counterparty Risk? HARP and MI; HARP 3.0 on the Way?
NEW New CEO at Stearns; Letters on HARP and Agency Dividends; Lots of Deals Being Done
NEW Conversations at the MBA Secondary Conference; Lender, Conference, and Investor Updates
NEW Freddie's Q1 Buyback Totals; EverBank Goes Public; The CFPB and Diversity
NEW Fannie's New G-fee Policy Concerns Lenders; CFPB's Busy Summer Season Including QM
NEW Lender Updates; March Foreclosure Numbers; Latest on the Principal Forgiveness Plot
NEW Wells Fargo's Stance on Negotiations in a Foreign Language; Where to Report LO Comp Violations
NEW After 5 Banks Shuttered, a Primer on CD and Savings Rates; How Old is the Average NAR Member?
NEW MetLife Bales and Sails - Again; Ally's Earnings; Comments on Youths in Our Business
NEW Investor and Lender Updates; News from California, Utah, and Mexico; QM Chatter
NEW Flood Insurance Expiring Again? Are there any Youngsters Entering the Biz?
NEW HARP 3.0? California to Change Foreclosure Laws? MGIC and SunTrust Results
NEW Reader Input on Issues; Volcker Rule Delay - Phew! Lots Training and Conferences Coming Up
NEW Lender, Investor and Agency Updates, Plain and Simple
NEW ECOA and QM are Under CFPB; Appraisal-related Repurchase Demands; Wintrust Financial Results
NEW Borrower Behavior and Loan Statistics of Interest; Ally/Rescap Update; Chatter on Agency's Future
NEW Repurchase Tips; Tenants' Rights Under the Foreclosure Settlement; Upcoming Conferences
NEW QM Update; Second Lien Problems; NMLS Expanding to Banks; CFPB Holds Lenders Accountable for Vendors
NEW Solid Mortgage Earnings Continue as Citigroup Reports; More Investor Updates
NEW GMAC "Significantly Scales Back"; Citi's HARP 2.0; Lots of Investor, Agency, MI, and Conference Updates
NEW Chase & Wells Earnings and Mortgage Numbers; Flagstar and Freddie; The Return of Subprime?
NEW MBA's Secondary Marketing Committee; Primer on Inverse Floaters; Lender Updates
NEW Principal Forbearance vs. Forgiveness; More on CFPB and Servicing; More Investor Updates
NEW CFPB to Impact Servicing! The Volcker Rule Bringing an End to Hedging Rate Locks?
NEW Banks as Landlords; Dodd-Frank Dictates Minority & Women-owned Service Providers; The CFPB and your 401(k)
NEW HARP's Impact on Prepayment Speeds; Watch for Property Deed Scams
NEW GFI & Arizona Lawsuit Chatter of Note; Principal Reduction's Sticky Mess
NEW ING Waves the White Flag; Why Relying on the Fed to Keep Rates Low is Not a Good Thing
NEW HARP Input from LO's and Investors; Comment on the CFPB's RESPA & TILA Proposals
NEW Rumor About State LO Licensing; A Busy FDIC; Upcoming Conferences