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MBS Commentary
Over a decade and counting!  Mortgage News Daily has provided daily MBS market commentary to the mortgage industry since 2007.
NEW 10/3 Friday ... Found a Bottom? (graph)
NEW Friday 10/3 ... Here We Go Again ... More Congressional Drama
NEW Friday 10/3 ... Tanking to lows
NEW Friday 10/3 ... Judo Chop!
NEW Friday 10/3 ... Get Used To It
NEW Friday 10/3 ... Moderating
NEW Friday 10/3 ... Da Bears
NEW Friday 10/3 ... Why oh Why? Some insight on what's to come...
NEW Friday 10/3 ... See You On Monday
NEW Friday 10/3 ... Apathetic, Anti-Climactic, Thinly Traded Response
NEW Friday 10/3 ... MBS tick up
NEW Friday 10/3 ... Do You Even Want To Hear CNBC's Take Any More?
NEW Friday 10/3 ... OY VEY CNBC!
NEW Friday 10/3 ... CNBC burns us again
NEW Friday 10/3 ... 5 minutes to go
NEW Thursday 10/2 ... Relatively Calm Day, And Now Some Slight Gains
NEW Thursday 10/2 ... Jobless Claims In
NEW Thursday 10/2 ... Another Day in ... uh ... Starts With a "P..."
NEW Thursday 10/2 .. Strengthening
NEW Wednesday 10/1 ... Reprice Alert
NEW Wednesday 10/1 ... Ticking Down A Bit
NEW Wednesday 10/1 ... Economic Reports are in
NEW Wednesday 10/1 ... The kind of open we like..
NEW Wednesday 10/1 ... Confirmation Of Downtick Misses The Train
NEW Wednesday 10/1 ... Uptick
NEW Wednesday 10/1 ... On the Lower Side Of Technical Support
NEW Send Your Hospital Bills To Nirish!
NEW Wednesday 10/1 ... Careful...
NEW Buffet to Invest In GE, Trading Halted, GE to offer $12b in common stock
NEW Wednesday 10/1 ... More Color, More Calm
NEW Tuesday 9/30 ... At the lows of the day again...
NEW Tuesday 9/30 ... Turning Around?
NEW Tuesday 9/30 ... Continuing Weakness (firm reprice alert)
NEW Tuesday 9/30 ... Down some more...
NEW Tuesday 9/30 ... In Case You Really DID Care About That News (and the Ninja Strikes)
NEW Tuesday 9/30 ... More News That No One Cares About
NEW Tuesday 9/30 ... MBS Open in Decent Territory, Widening Decelerating
NEW Tuesday 9/30 ... Update on developing breaking SEC news
NEW Tuesday 9/30 ... Graph of the pain... (and a sneak attack from the ninja)
NEW Tuesday 9/30 ... Catastrophically Bad Now
NEW Tuesday 9/30 ... Stocks and T Bills keep the Pressure on MBS
NEW Monday 9/29 ... Buckle Up
NEW Breaking News From the Fed (monday, 9/29)
NEW BREAKING NEWS ... (Monday 9/29 ... Federal Reserve)
NEW BREAKING NEWS ... (Monday 9/29 ... Federal Reserve)
NEW Monday 9/29 ... Stocks Spike to Lows Of The Day, Bonds Happy...
NEW Monday 9/29 ... A Fun Place To Be...
NEW Monday 9/29 ... Third Time's a Charm?