All Headlines Top News Rob Chrisman Mortgage Rate Watch MBS Commentary
All News Headlines
NEW U.S. Treasury's Swagel Says U.S. Economy in Slowdown Not Recession
NEW Quiet Monday Morning for MBS
NEW Graph of Today's Action
NEW rebounding...
NEW What's in the Kool-Aid at the BLS?
NEW House Committee Aproves FHA "Short Pay" Loans
NEW Economy Loses Less Jobs Than Expected, Rates Suffer
NEW And We're Back Down Again
NEW Back To Floating
NEW heavy trading, prices tanking
NEW Dropping Again,
NEW UP/Down,
NEW For those of you that were nervous
NEW Are you Still On Board?
NEW U.S. Treasury's Ryan Sees Increasing Failed Trades in Treasuries
NEW Fed's Bernanke Says Impossible to Tell When Markets Will Normalize
NEW U.S. Construction Spending Falls 1.1% in March
NEW Not Many Positives Coming Out of Jumbo Market Changes
NEW Locking is safest, But Floating Beckons
NEW Now We're Rolling
NEW Improving
NEW Givething and Takething
NEW Yawn...
NEW How Boring...
NEW Still holding steady
NEW .25 point cut - more of the same verbiage
NEW Just to be aware as we move forward
NEW Down just a bit so far
NEW All Aboard!
NEW verbatim text of announcement
NEW Zillow, Always Creative, Puts a New Twist on Mortgage Lead Generation
NEW FOMC Cuts Target by 25 Bps to 2.00%, Says Economic Activity "Remains Weak"
NEW Inflation Fears Cast Shadow on Mortgage Rates and Applications Decline
NEW Still Good
NEW Here Comes The Sun...
NEW still strong
NEW off the highs
NEW Rates improve again ahead of the Fed Announcement
NEW Home Prices Continue to Fall, MBS improve again
NEW Treasury Secretary Paulson Sees No Need for Second Stimulus Package
NEW Case-Shiller Home Price Index Slides in February
NEW Pimco's Gross Warns that Further U.S. Housing Declines Could Be "Ruinous"
NEW Another Loss for Countrywide as Bank of America Plans for Future
NEW Consumer Confidence Falls Less Than Expected in April
NEW Like a Kid In The Ocean...
NEW Treasury Undersecretary Steel Sees Good Progress in Economic Recovery, Housing
NEW Wachovia Settles One Suit, Confronts Money Laundering Charges
NEW First Quarter Vacancy Rates Rise Half a Percentage from Previous Quarter
NEW A quiet morning sets the stage for an action-packed week.